Husky/Yamaha...the Experiment Continues!

Huskyyama part 3
Since my last article I’ve spent a little more time working on the setup for the Yamaha front end. Nothing big or special just playing with the clickers, the one big thing I did was install a Pro Circuit rear shock link. From what I’ve read the newer KTM’s rear end offers sort of a dead feel, it works fine but isn’t really noticeable or you don’t or aren’t supposed to notice it. I don’t know if this feel is in response to the fact a lot of expert and Pro level riders steer more with the front end these days. Gone are a lot of the cut and thrust riders of old, mostly borne out of the way two strokes were ridden. I never was a cut and thrust rider however I’ve become a brake sliding rider in the woods. Anyway Pro Circuit says their link brings back the feel of the rear end working with the front end, so I installed one. The real big difference is in the length of the three legged knuckle the part that attaches to the shock was about 5mm shorter than the stock one. Turns out that’s a lot, I had to slow the rebound quite a bit. The new linkage didn’t change the sag but Pro Circuit calls for an increase of two sizes on the shock spring. My first ride with the new linkage was at Est. I could immediately tell a difference the rear felt like it was now moving with the front end. I had to increase the compression to maximum to keep from bottoming out.
Since then I’ve installed a #52 rear spring and rode it at the Sierra Old Timers MC ride day at Prairie City MX on the 30th of December. The track conditions were very good except for the deep ruts that developed. I again played with the clickers but the biggest thing was three other riders put some laps on it and offered me some feedback.
One of the riders is a two stoke guy and not only rode my bike that day but a 2017 KTM 350SXF and a 2015 350SXF. The 2017 is basically stock; the 2015 has had the suspension done. Interesting all of us had different opinions about which bike had more or better power. The 2015 and my 2016 both have Rekluse’s and feel like they may lose a little off the bottom compared to the 2017, (That’s no doubt why I ride mine in the advanced ignition mode) they all had great power for a 350.
They all liked the front end on my bike. The 2017 KTM rider who is a very fast 50 Master liked my suspension (Better than his) until he picked up his speed then felt it was comparable to his stock air forked 2017. When I rode the 2017 I felt the forks were harsh at slower speeds and within two laps my right hand started cramping again just like it did on my 4CS forks. I didn’t ride the 2015 and wished I had, I’ll get another chance to do so at some point.
All the riders had their own critiques of my bike (As I did of the 2017) all no doubt a product of our own individual feel for preferences. Like I’ve said before I’m setting this bike up for me.
Interestingly enough I didn’t notice the back end on my bike or the one on the 2017 for that matter at Praire City MX. On the 2017 I was noticing how uncomfortable the forks were at slower speeds. To be fair the guy who rides the 2017 isn’t known for his suspension tuning abilities, he is fast enough to overcome most all of those short comings. (I hope he doesn’t read this if he does I probably won’t get a deal on furniture anymore.)
Went to Est. on the very first day of the New Year, the track conditions were perfect not many riders so it didn’t get out of hand rough. Turned the clickers in a couple added a little air to the tires and just rode, the bike worked well.
I’ve assigned a new tag to describe my riding expertise; I’m going to begin referring to myself as a TTOT (tot) rider, which stands for Totally Tapped Out Talent. Something about this just cracks me up.
Doug 21J
Your TOT rider