Liquid Image Impact Series Sport Camera
Monday, August 15, 2011 at 9:20PM
mx43 in dirt bike, liquidimage, motocross, motocycle, mx, mx43, rider, vet, veteran, video camera

These days it seems everywhere you look guys have a video camera stuck on top of their helmet. I often wonder how those cameras survive the inevitable crashes we all take. Eric is just back from his annual Pilot Jet ride where he used our new toy. The early video is excellent, we will have some up soon. The quality of the pictures is great as well as the sound. He never had to worry about clipping the camera on a low hanging branch. This is a very slick video camera. Click on the link to check it out and watch for the new videos.

Many of you have asked about where to get a set of these goggles. Just click on the link and follow the purchase process. The Impact Series sells for $250 but if you use the discount code listed here you get a 20% discount until the end of August.

Code TVA511

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