60th Reunion but Still Riding Strong!

A very short story
Last weekend I went to my 60th high school class reunion. I went to school in the Antelope Valley which translated means Lancaster and Palmdale CA, which today would translate into your basic shit hole.
When I grew up there it was a magic little area, lots of green alfalfa fields, lot’s of trees as well. Both towns had about six thousands residents each. And sixty years ago which was the fifties it was a magical era. I lived the American Graffiti movie kind of life. Worked so I could have a car and could date girls, always had a couple of older friends who could take care of my Friday night alcohol needs?
I’ve attended all of my class reunions and of course the class gets smaller each time. There were about ninety people total at this year’s event and that’s counting couples about the same as the fifty fifth. I always look forward to seeing who’s still here and reacquainting with everyone. There’s still about eight of us who went to grammar school together.
The invitations use to say 5PM until, then 5PM until 12PM and now they say 5PM until 8:30PM, no just kidding it’s still 5PM until 11PM and I was among the hand full still sitting around talking near eleven, but even I was gone by 11PM.
For those who could remember we had the chance to stand up tell everybody who we were, where we’re living how many children, grand children and great grand children we had.
It’s been interesting reflecting back over the reunions the 10th was in many ways the most interesting. Ten years out of high school most had completed their educations and were definitely into impressing their fellow classmates just how successful they had become. I’m going to guess even those who didn’t own a big fancy car rented one. The 20th everyone was a little more settled in and found the need to impress wasn’t as great as the 10th. By the 30th people were just eh and certainly by the sixty they only thing you bragged about was you were still here and just maybe you looked a little better than so and so.
The old adage if the class gets any smaller we will be able to meet in a phone booth doesn’t apply, I don’t remember the last time I saw a phone booth.
Doug 21J

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