Kid’s Ride Day

On a beautiful Sunday the Nevada County Woods Riders and Scott Rabeneau hosted a ride day at Scott’s home, I think this was the third one he’s hosted. Scott has an area that has been used as a trials riding area for years. Sunday morning before the families showed up a friend of one of the club members showed up with a big skid steer and reworked the track into a very nice track for the little guys and gals. The club provided some barbequed hamburgers and hot dogs and the rest of the food was pot luck, which always means plenty of good food.
There were a couple of grandpa’s there with their grandkids plus the moms and dads, plus us spectators Stan and I were there and we are the two oldest members of the club at over 81. Stan brought his E bike and put a few miles on it.
It was so enjoyable to watch the little guys do lap after lap, after lap. There were of course a few crashes along the way. One little guy had a pretty good little get off, got up and hobbled off crying his head off. When they took his boot off you could see the black and blue appearing on his toes before your eyes. I walked over to him while he was still sobbing and asked if he was done for the day, through his tear stained cheeks and still a little sobbing he shook his head NO. And sure enough he did put his boot back on and rode the rest of the day. And that says a lot about his family and all the other kids who crashed not one of them quit for the day. There weren’t any soccer mom’s and dad’s there yelling, all the kids rode at their level and by the way they all got better by the end of the not because someone was yelling at them, because they were riding with each other and against each other as well. There was no bickering amongst the parents or the kids.
One family had seen the Face book posting Scott put up, called and asked if it would ok if they came even though they weren’t members, Scott said yes. Their little almost three year old daughter was amazing to watch on a Stasic by the end of the day it was clear she had no fear. Their father will be joining club by the way.
In this day and age with all the negative things in this world it was wonderful and reassuring to spend the day with families who are great role models for their kids and are instilling great values that will help them and give us all a little hope for the future.
And cud do’s to Scott for being willing to offer his place and heart to do this for these kids, the future of our country.
I’m so glad I spent the day watching these guys do lap after lap I think some may have done 500 laps. One of the little guys still on his bike with his helmet on the handle bars fell asleep.
Doug McCaleb
21 J

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