21J Explores LHRB

The OX-Hydro LHRB Brake
As far as I know these particular left hand operated rear brake systems are currently only made for KTM and Husky bikes, someday no doubt for Gas Gas as well.
Why a handle bar mounted rear brake in the first place? I have several friends who have taken the use of it to another level by removing the rear brake pedal and using the handle bar mounted brakes only. The advantage especially in right hand corners is not having to put your foot on the brake. That’s brave, I’m old and don’t easily learn new tricks but I do use my LHRB. I primarily use it for down hills especially on long down hills if they are real steep and I want to keep my right foot on the pegs to dab if necessary or just in situations where it feels more comfortable to do so. Another reason is, I use Rekluse’s and I have been in situations going up steep single track hills and for one reason or another needed to stop or turn around and go back down. Usually in these situations is where I have to get off the bike on a very narrow trail and bull dog it around to go back down. Or to keep the bike from sliding backyards because the Rekluse will free wheel and all I have is the front brake and no way to lock up the rear wheel; I’ve had the bike slide backwards and eventually get on top of me and that can become a very difficult thing to get out from under.
Over the years I’ve used cobbled together LHRB systems using Rekluse and bicycle parts and a friend of mines ability to make hydraulic lines. They worked ok certainly better than nothing but always felt it left a little to be desired.
OX- Brake has made for sometime a cable operated LHRB I never tried one but understand they also worked ok but not the ultimate solution. I know Rekluse used to make a LHRB system I just checked their web site and didn’t see one offered, so I don’t know what happened.
The OX-Hydro Brake is a sealed self contained system that comes ready to install no bleeding necessary. I have two systems the first is a hydraulic Dot 4-5 the second one is a mineral oil system. I’m going to guess the mineral oil system will be the one used going forward I’m sure OX- Brake have their reasons for using mineral oil.
I’m very picky about how my rear brake is set up; first I tend to be a rear brake dragger when riding on trails and use it to steer the bike sometimes. I have the brake pedal set up below the level of the foot peg I have size 13 feet that sticks out making it hard to find the peddle sometimes. I also leave a certain amount of pedal play so that my foot can rest on the pedal and not be dragging the brake. I know I’m not the only one who does this.
Adjusting the peddle position and amount of free play in the peddle effects the amount of lever you have at the handle bar. The OX-Hydro Brake replaces the heim joint which connects the foot pedal and master cylinder the more free play and downward peddle adjustment the less lever pressure you’ll end up with. So it’s a fine line between having the peddle position and free play where you want it and having enough handle bar brake pressure to stop the rear wheel.
OX-Brake has developed a new proto type to eliminate this issue for us brake draggers and I’m going to get one to try. Chuck at OX-Brake explained to me why the current system is limited in the kind of brake settings I like and how the new one will eliminate this problem for riders like me, I’m not going to try and explain it mainly because I can’t remember exactly what Chuck said and it was over my head anyway. So I’ll stop for now and pick up after I installed the new proto type.
I have installed and ridden with the new Proto type and after some trail side adjustments I now have it the best it can be for my riding style, which is much better than the other two I have, which is not to say they don’t work properly, they do, the proto type provides more adjustment for guys like me. The Magura system is a one pull, no need to pump the lever it makes no difference the first time you apply the brake is the best it will be and it will always return to the same place.
I’ve been sold on the OX-Hydro LHRB since I got the first one but soon there will a more adjustable version for riders like me.
I think they are reasonably priced at about $300, especially when you consider you’re getting a completely sealed hydraulic system no fuss no muss.
Doug 21J