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IRP Oil Cooler for Honda CRF

Anybody out there own  a Honda CRF or CRF-X  that is used for longer distances?  This may be a product for you.

I have ridden Honda CRF 450’s since their introduction in 2002. I have also acquired a CRF-X 450 that I have thoroughly enjoyed using for off road riding. The only thing that concerned me about riding off road with either bike was that they generally covered much greater distances and time between oil changes.

I was lucky enough to discover the IRP oil cooler. It is a Beautifully CNC machined, bolt on external oil cooler. The claimed improvements when you add this external cooler is an increased oil capacity over stock and a reduction in operating temperature of approximately 40*.

I can personally endorse this product because I have used it for almost two years, on two different bikes with no hassles or failures of any kind. The oil that is coming out of the bike when I change oil is never dirty or discolored and I tend to run it about 2 or 3 times as long as I did without the cooler. The reduction in temp seems to really keep things under control.

That is quite impressive when you consider the same oil cooler has logged countless hours and miles from motocross tracks all over the western U.S. and an equal amount of time on the second bike doing off road duties from Baja, Mexico to trails and deserts in most of the western states.

Everyone that has seen this product on my bike, first admires the quality and look but then asks, “What about catching it on boulders/rocks or stumps?”

Well I am very happy to report that it has never shown a sign of leaks or the beginning of any sort of failure.

If I were this tough and durable, I would have saved a lot of time healing after crashes!

I would have to give this product a 9.5 rating.

Check out  IRP-llc.com for all the cool CNC products they make.


Stay Cool!


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