#33 Articles

Entries from October 1, 2016 - October 31, 2016


Flying on FLY pegs

I was recently introduced to the new FLY foot peg system and will never go back! These things are AWESOME!  They look great and perform incredibly well.
The arched profile keeps a more constant contact area with my boots as I ride. This keeps me from slipping when things get wet and muddy.
Having now logged well over 1000 miles on them they show no wear spots or dulling of the cleats. Also they are apparently very durable since they have encountered numerous bashing on rocks and logs throughout Idaho, Montana and the deserts of Arizona. So far so good not a mark or deformation to be seen.
The arched profile should also extend the life of my boot soles if I am correct just by not digging in as regular pegs do. Only time will tell, but I will let you know.
Well the sun is coming up and I have some FLY pegs to test!

‘a good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow’



Riding In The Rain!


Have you ever gone out on a beautiful day for a ride and got sent scurrying back to the truck soaking wet?
I started out on an exploration ride into some local mountains with the expectation it would be significantly cooler that the 98* temp at the van. But I did error on the side of caution and threw my FLY Black Ops jacket in my pack. Just in case. Boy, did I choose wisely! As I headed up the mountain a few clouds appeared and I thought, Great maybe I will get a sprinkle during Sept and have moist trails all to myself, since it was a weekday.
About 45 minutes into the ride I was approaching 6000 ft and could now see over the mountain range. Man was it DARK!
I thought if I stopped and put on my FLY jacket I would work my way into a valley I wanted to explore and miss the big stuff. Within 10 minutes of putting the jacket on I was cruising along in a slight drizzle. I could see because my goggles were not getting hammered so I kept going.
That lasted all of about 3 minutes, then the rain drops got so big I was sure I saw them making a splash or just bouncing a bit like hail. Trying to be the optimist I approached it like Bill Murry in Caddyshack when he soldiered on in his raincoat and galoshes. I even remember trying to distract myself by asking, ‘Do you think the big stuff will be coming?’.  I made myself laugh!
In about another mile on the trail my gloves and pants were soaked so I pulled over against a hill with some trees protecting about one square foot.  I tried to squeeze myself into it to wait it out. I made myself as small as I could but was still getting hit from all sides. I huddled there for about 30 minutes. During that time, I watched my poor 500 XCW get a shower!

It was looking pretty good since I hadn’t washed it in almost 2 months! It looked so clean I snapped a picture! Then I noticed the rain had come down hard enough it was now running down the road as a small creek! DOH!!!  I would have to go back that way.
Also I was there long enough I was starting to get cold and thinking about how good a hot shower was going to feel. So as soon as the monsoon let up, I fired up the KTM and headed my butt back toward the van.  The good thing was that the more I descended the less rain I encountered. It also warmed up considerably with the elevation drop. Life was good!
I made it back to the van and the 98* temps in the valley had almost dried me out. I changed out of the damp riding clothes into some dry street clothes and realized my ride had been cut short, I got cold, soaked and only covered 47 miles. Then I realized I was smiling and thought: This was the Best Ride Ever!!!
‘Life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful’