Real Moto Cross for Real (old) Men!

Sierra Old Timer MX at Famed Honey Lake Track
Who would have thought that a bunch of Geezers would have an International Motocross at a world class facility? Well, it is back! After a few year hiatus the SIERRA OTMX Club is returning to Larry Wosick’s world renowned motocross track located in Northern California.
If you have been around the sport as most Old-timers’ (read GEEZERS) have for some time, you probably remember names like Saddleback Park, Carlsbad raceway and Indian Dunes as tracks that became known worldwide with riders from around the world making the pilgrimage to ride one of these tracks at least once in their lifetime.
Those places no longer exist but there are still a few places to race that should be high on any moto-geezer’s bucket list. Unadilla New York, Red Bud Michigan, Washougal Washington and Honey Lake MX in Northern California.
I have been fortunate enough to ride all of these tracks mentioned (no age wise cracks!) and can tell you from personal experience that Honey Lake is at the top of the list! When you first pull into the track it is overwhelming. You can’t even see all of the track it is so big. It is a real motocross track with hills and natural terrain instead of an outdoor supercross that the tracks have become in recent years. The uphill is almost overwhelming! As you look up you think to yourself, “Do I really get to ride to the top of that hill?”
Then when you do ride to the top of that hill you are glad to be there because it is so long and so steep you realize you are tired from hanging on!
The whole track is incredible with natural terrain that incorporates uphill, downhill, off camber turns, banked turns, dips and natural terrain obstacles that we rarely have the chance to ride anymore.
It is such a great facility that motorcycle manufacturers have used the place for testing new models of bikes over the years. Several magazines and Cycle News have used it for testing and evaluations for their publications. Now it is our turn to race on it as part of the International Oldtimer MX series.
Do yourself a favor and ride this track while you still can. The owner, Larry Wosick has spend years perfecting his track and does an incredible job on an almost unbelievable track that we once again have the opportunity to experience.
Mark May 7 & 8 on your calendar,
See you there!