Good Bye 2011 - Hello 2012!!!

As I write this closing chapter to 2011 I am thinking what a tough year it has been. Everything from the Economy to the riding and racing. I hope 2011 was a good year for all the readers but hope that 2012 is even better.
This past year brought some highs and lows for me. From medical emergencies (wife’s pulmonary embolism) to crashes (Baja 500 pre run crash) being the things I would rather not remember of 2011. There was a time that we each spent several weeks sleeping in a recliner because neither of us could lay flat to sleep!
Some of the things that will be remembered fondly leaving 2011 will be some of the new places I had the opportunity to ride. All of my new riding partners, the people and new friends I have met during the year. This year allowed me to return to some of the places I thoroughly enjoyed riding previously and also finding new places that keep riding even more interesting and exciting if that is possible.
There were rides that were so slow and tight that it was a challenge to keep a clutch from overheating and fading. Other rides were such a high average speed that it is scary to think about it after the fact, all I can say about these rides is that “they seemed like a good idea at the time.” There were high elevation rides that required we cross through so much snow that my feet were freezing in boots! A few rides were so remote in deserts that I was sure I would run out of gas before I saw civilization again. One particular ride crossed so much water that I started to think a motorcycle was not the best choice for that particular trip, maybe a canoe would have been a better choice. Most of my favorite rides included using 1st gear with the clutch while making sure your foot peg and handle bar cleared obstacles so as to not take a tumble down the mountainside because that would require disassembling the bike to get it back on the trail!
As I think of all the things good in 2011 that I experienced I believe it is the people I have been exposed to through motorcycle riding. There is a whole list of characters that make up the experience with names like, The Don, Minnesota John, Recon, Bubba, Lyle, Marlboro Tim, Montana John, Caesar, Santana, Big Al, Hawgnutts, Fearless Frank, Zip Loc Paul, Lawn Dart Phil, Senor Doug, the Sporzales family and on and on! All of these guys were a part of my 2011 riding experience and I thoroughly enjoyed meeting and riding with each one of them. From beginners to advanced riders they all brought something to every ride just by being who they are.
So for 2012 I hope you make time to ride with a few new riding partners at a new place or two and see what kind of memories you come away with that will surely make you smile. I know when the time comes and I am sitting on the porch, in the rocker, I will think back to some of these memories and as I do, a smile will cross my old wrinkled face…………..
May all your rides be great in 2012
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