Geezer Ride Day....Lot's of Fun!

An Old-Timer Ride Day
The Sierra Chapter of the OTMX race series recently put on one of their Old-Timer only ride days in Marysville, Calif. At the MMX facility. If you have never been out to one of these ride days you may want to mark the next one on your calendar.
The idea being that you get to ride with a bunch of Geezers that actually enjoy riding together and have a great time battling each other to sharpen their skills. All this without kids trying to cut you off in each turn or over every jump. The added bonus is the lunch was included along with a raffle that provided some pretty cool stuff being handed out just for the privilege of showing up to ride with your friends!
It was a lot of fun to swap bikes and try other guys’ rides. I was lucky enough to ride a new 2012 450 Honda (thanks Terry) and get a pretty good idea of the improvements made to the new bike over the past couple of years. I also got to spend some time on a 2012 WR Yamaha (thanks Doug) even though it was not designed to be on an MX track, it worked pretty damn well! It was actually a lot of fun to ride on the track and had extremely capable suspension. That would be an awesome off road bike with such good suspension and an electric type power from the motor.
I almost got to ride the most beautiful 1980 440 Maico I have seen since……….well, 1980 on the showroom floor. I am not sure the ones on the showroom floor were this clean! The reason I say almost is because the owner, Gino, took it out to warm it up and be first rider since it is his bike and promptly had the rear brake rod snap off. Nothing wrong with the bike, completely mechanic error Gino assured me. He realized he had made a mistake when reassembling after the last detail session. Too bad because that would have been the ride of the day! That bike is beautiful.
So it may be a good idea to check on the Sierra Old-Timer website and see when their next ride day is so you can make it. Besides the hamburgers and hotdogs that were cooked to perfection, I came away with a Works Connection hour meter from the raffle. I guess now this means I actually have to change the oil on my bike at regular intervals.
See you at the next ride day!
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