#33 Talks EKS Goggles

EKS Goggles
I have been going through a few different brands of goggles the past couple of years. The reason is I have been trying to find one that worked as advertised and did not require I take out a second mortgage to buy a couple pair!
There are some very good goggles on the market and several of them work very well. But I have a very high standard. By that I mean they must provide a good field of view, rarely if ever fog, be comfortable enough to wear on all day rides, absorb sweat decently, fit correctly in the different brands of helmets I wear and of course look good while being decently priced! Tall order, eh?
I have settled in the last few months on the EKS (X-Brand) goggle as the one that scores very well in all of these categories. An added bonus is that the lenses are durable enough that I have been wiping the dust on long desert rides or races such as the Baja 500 with the side of my gloved finger and am able to clear my vision many times while not destroying the lens. It is amazing how much faster you can ride when you can see!
I have flogged a couple of pair to the point of failure only because I am wearing out the elastic strap. Outstanding!!
So I guess I have settled on a goggle I really like and don’t have to mess with, put them on and ride without thinking about them. I can’t ask for much more than that.
Unfortunately, it’s time to go clean a pair so I can go riding in the morning, see ya!
‘pursue perfection, but accept excellence’
Reader Comments (1)
Great Goggles. I have been using EKS brand for the part few years. I just got a new pair and it made me realize just how long in the tooth my other old pairs were. I'll be asking Santa for another pair.