Geezer Snookered

Did a ride with a couple of Geezers the other day and they were pretty slick! First off the Boyz could Ride! In the second place they took me to their regular stomping grounds, you know the place, in your back yard on your normal loop that you ride every couple of weeks for the past 10 years or so!
Yup, the Boyz wuz Slick! Ol’ Senor Kirby (Doug 21J) and Stan Stanton were the assassins that lead me around their riding area while inviting me to go first on several occasions. “We don’t want to hold you up” is what they said, but “let’s see whatcha got sonny” is what I heard. I ain’t so dumb!
Wisely, I didn’t take the bait and declined their “generous” offer. Besides it had rained just a day or so ago so I knew none of us would have to ride in much dust other than the open exposed areas. I was right in two categories. First, because the conditions were fantastic with traction and just a hint of dust in the open areas. Second, because as we got underway the two old buggers just about disappeared on me! I thought wait a minute these two guys are 152 yrs. old between them! That’s right they are both 76 years old! I thought we were going on a sightseeing trail ride.
I had the Best Ride Ever once I got up to speed and started keeping them in sight, they whipped between trees like it was a motocross track. I started to think they had done this before. We had a great time and rode some excellent trails. I am not sure I would have ever found these trails if they hadn’t shown me. On our first stop/break I realized why they choose this trail, it was perfectly suited to the 200/250 KTM xcw’s, which is what the assassins rode. But I have to admit, it was just as much fun on my 500 xcw and it made me pay attention while darting in and out of trees. I loved it!
We had a couple of hours of fun and then it was time to head back, not that I knew which way was back, but if they ditch me now I have a Plated bike and will get my butt back!
This was my first ride with the point man Stan and as amazing as he was it was even more incredible that he had been involved in a work related accident 31 years ago when he was only 45 years old. His right hand/wrist had been all but destroyed in a logging incident while at work. Luckily, he was able to get a doctor that could put it together and make all his fingers work. The wrist has been locked in place so he is unable to use a normal throttle. Yet here he is hauling the mail through the woods beating up on the kids!
It seems he wanted to ride enough he was willing and able to design and make an index finger trigger throttle that he learned to ride with. When I saw that I smiled and thought “here is a guy that wants to ride as much as I do!” His throttle gives a whole new meaning to “pulling the Trigger” out of the corner!
When we got back I was thinking I would like to go ride that place again and told another rider about what a great time I had and what a great place it was. This rider said he had ridden the area and was not as enthused as I was because it was so “tight”. You know just, tree, turn, tree, turn, tree, turn………….I smiled and said, “exactly!” I may invite that guy to ride with Stan and Senor Kirby next time I go with them, I would have a great time watching the fireworks!
‘Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines’
Reader Comments (2)
Thanks for the kind words and Stan hauls ass in his backyard. did 30 miles with him the next week and I'm getting closer to his exhaust pipe. And as you say after every ride "Best ride ever"
We are more than lucky to be able to have the chance to still have Best ride ever days.
Doug 21J
So Eric I see your little phrase at the bottom of the article. Something about stop signs and guide lines Did you come up with that in Baja while we were on our way to check in for the Baja 1000? As I remember I was asking why you were passing over double lines, single lines, no passing lines and you said those were just guide lines senior.
Just wondering, senior.
Doug 21J