#33 Been MIA……Garage-Mahal

It’s been a while since I have had or taken the time to sit down and put pen to paper, so to speak. I almost have a good excuse. But whether it is valid or not is not really important. The fact that I have an AWESOME NEW garage validates it for me!
Yup! A new garage to work in and more storage space than I ever imagined I would have is the justification for being lazy on the keyboard.
This new work space is approximately 1150 square ft. in floor space. Two roll up doors for lighting and ventilation plus a man door for easy access. Oh, did I mention that it has heating, air conditioning and my own bathroom along with an extra deep sink in the work space for cleaning air filters with soap and water! I may have to have a sign made up and hang it somewhere that says “Heaven!” Because I am fairly certain this is what Heaven will be like should I ever get there. A second choice might be a sign saying ‘Never Never Land’ because like Peter Pan I have no plans to grow up!
It took about 6 months to get through the construction process, all done by River Homes Construction owned by a man named Tom Stokley. We did this project on a hand shake, no real contract with deadlines or exact dollar amount. I know you are thinking I am a knucklehead for not getting everything in writing. But from my first meeting with Tom and his up front estimate, timelines and explanation of his schedule it was apparent he did things correctly in his business. Tom is an Honorable Man and it shows in his business.
Now that it is finished I have the coolest work space with TWO work stations, with work stands and toolboxes at each place. The built in stereo system is better than the one in my house! But the satellite TV can be a bit troubling when I am trying to work, because I have to turn around when the moto comes on. Such a distraction! Lol.
I thought this place is HUGE when I first got to walk through the finished project. Then I started collecting my stored equipment and loading it into the Garage-Mahal. All of a sudden I was running out of room and having to organize and arrange things so I could have some sort of symmetry to my chaos. Just when I think I am getting things under control my buddy Recon shows up and sees all my possessions or “Stuff” as he calls it. He immediately labels me as a Hoarder! I was crushed and I think he saw that he had hurt one of my two feelings. So he revised it and called me an “organized hoarder”. I felt sooooo much better!
I am slowly getting things put away and under control. It helps that Recon and our buddy Mark Kaestner came over and showed me how to build a second story in the back part of the Garage-Mahal to increase my storage capabilities. I ended up needing more space for my “Stuff”! Who woulda thunk!!! Apparently Recon.
So in order to live up to my organized hoarder label I have boxed, labeled and started a folder for things stored upstairs. Thanks Recon for bringing out my insecurities.
I would like to point out though that Recon has not missed the opportunity to show up for the open buffet and moto/Supercross party each week even though he had to sit in the middle of all that ‘Stuff”. We continue to invite Recon because he has a sweetheart of a wife that brings wine for the party. We have had a great time using the large area for Supercross and snacks with our friends Montana John as well as Jason and Yani being invited to our race day get together.
So now that it is almost setup and organized I can concentrate on the summer road trip to escape the heat. But mostly to visit and ride with friends in cooler places. I always look forward to that.
Now that the garage is done I may have to think about upgrading my off road KTM. After all, would you expect to see an old high mileage, scratched up KTM siting in the middle of such an elaborate shop? Me neither!!!
I believe I will start shopping, see ya!
‘We are advertised by our loving friends’
Reader Comments (2)
Well there are two ways to view this WACKO's post, For what it is, a PERVERT that stumbled on a legitimate sports oriented website and decided to Hijack it for his or her own twisted ideas or as an expanded reader base.
So maybe MX43 is now getting out to more readers and we are seeing the GOOD with the BAD. But since the goal of MX43 is to provide MOTO related information and entertainment and not provide a place to deviants to state their personal life choices we will be doing our best to have the Professional Webmaster delete any offensive material.
Thanks to our readers and Sorry for the Wacko's that have access to a computer in their mothers basement.
WOW !! I kinda wish... and I say that reluctantly that Id had caught the previous comment but alas probably better off that I did'nt... that "Garage-Mahal" is bad to the bone sir !! hoping to get out your way soon and check it out if for nothing more than the free buffet your offering up !! lol.
now as far as naming it goes might I offer a few suggestions...
1st def not "never never land'.. that was michael jacksons name of his "Awkward" playground that had ZERO to do with Moto and EVERYTHING creepy. !!
Hows about.. "Ironman 33 Hall/plaza/Cathedral ?? Or perhaps.. " Geezer in Paradise". .Or you Could always give Cheryl another raise to 75cents and name it accordingly.. A man with your knack for nicknames should have no problem, I hope to see it and you and Cheryl soon..
Tacojoe :)
p.s. tell Recon to save some munchies for the rest of us !!