Summer Travels with #33

Bubbas House 2022
The 2022 “Let’s Go Brandon” tour has started! I say that because we almost were discouraged enough with the high fuel prices to not make the trip. Very sad! So we decided to suck it up, take the hit to the pocketbook, extend our middle finger to the current administration and go anyway.
We have street bike ridden some beautiful back country roads from Northern Kalifornia to Eugene Oregon and more. Recon convinced us to stay for a week in Eugene Oregon at a beautiful campground and do some mountain biking. I was fortunate enough to be able to borrow a mountain bike from Recon while we were there. I started out with one on this trip but somehow it was bought out from underneath me along the way. That is another story, lol.
Recon had lined out one of the most manicured and scenic trails I have ever been on while on a bicycle. It passed a water fall and absolutely crystal clear pools of water you could count the rocks at the bottom. Amazing.
It was time to move on and we headed for New Plymouth, Idaho. Where the Hell is that you say? It is outside Fruitland/Payette, Idaho. The reason being that the Curator of, Art, aka “Bubba” has purchased property and built a very nice place there. Country living at its finest! The house is beautiful and the country side very picturesque. Bubba is also lucky enough to have a local riding area, lots of back roads and a few local shooting ranges in the area. Since Bubba fancies himself a road rider bicyclist we went out on a couple of rides from his house on the back roads. Again I was lucky enough the he had a spare bike for me to ride while I was there. We busted out a couple of rides and then Bubba got a bug and was bed ridden for a couple days. Bummer! So I took his spare bike out for a ride anyway! Lol. It also left Cheryl and I with time to kill while he recovered so what else could we do but go for a street bike ride! The street bike ride turned into an exploration marathon day and since it was the 4th of July weekend it provided plenty entertainment while out on the bike. I think we covered about 350 miles looking at mostly back roads and two laners. Big fun.
It seems Marti and Bubba had ordered a storage shed and we were there while it was delivered. Interesting how they set them in place when delivered, pre-built, intact. However, it was not painted. Marti knew what color she wanted it and had the paint on hand so she recruited me and Bubba to paint it. Well everyone knows if she contracts the job out she is going to designate a supervisor and a flunky painter. So guess which role each of us got. It was pretty fair though because we flipped a coin to see who would be the supervisor. Bubba supplied the coin and told me it was tails when he picked it up. You know, I never really saw that coin stop moving, Hmmmmm. So he handed me a paint brush and a bucket of paint. Away we went and that sucker got painted in about half a day, except the trim. Marti had not gotten the color she wanted for the trim. You would think the supervisor would have seen that coming and taken the initiative. Just sayin’.
Since we had smoked the paint job and had half a day left we decided it would be the perfect time to hang the shelves Bubba had bought. We attacked the shelf project and Voila! Bicycle equipment shelves just above the bikes to hold helmets, shoes, camelbaks and anything else necessary.
So a day of slave labor earned us a great 4th of July dinner put together by Marti and Cheryl. Ribs, potato salad, homemade rolls and deviled eggs. Best dinner ever!
While were there Bubba and I also had a couple of trips to the range to do a little shooting. Spent most of the time on the long guns since Bubba had a couple that needed to be sighted/zeroed. Shooting is always fun and we had a great time.
Time flew by and before we knew it we had been there a week so it was about time to go. Bubba was wearing me out, I wasn’t sure I could keep that pace. I figured the best thing for me to do was to head for our next destination so I could find a place to recover.
We said our good byes and headed out for eastern Idaho for some singletrack trail riding. My favorite kind of riding!
Hopefully we will be able to make the journey next year stop by to see the evolution of “Casa McDade”.
Keep riding, pedaling and shooting!
‘planning your work is good, but doing it is even better’
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