2023 REBOUND……….Maybe?

Now that I have 2 hands/arms again maybe we can get 2023 rolling and log some miles! Jeez!
Last time I checked in was right after a low speed tip over on the KLR 650 while preparing to make a Baja run. Worst Day Ever! I was riding along minding my own business when I heard this loud Gawd Awful clang from the sound of my aluminum skid plate hitting a large rock. Just about the time it took for me to think, “Wow that was a loud…….” My head and shoulder were hitting the deck, sideways. Down immediately, no tumble, no dissipation of energy just immediate impact!
I just laid there not moving, mostly because it hurt, but to make an evaluation of what happened and if I was injured. As I did an inventory of myself and checked to see that I could move feet, arms and any part of my body that wasn’t pinned by the bike I thought boy that hurt but I think I am ok.
My riding partners came over to help pick me and the bike up because I was in no hurry to move until the pain subsided. When we finally got up and going I was pretty sure I had a significant bruise on my right foot and my right shoulder would be sore for a few days. So we fired up our bikes and away we went to finish the ride. We visited the town of Oatman and then stopped in another small town called Golden Shores for lunch. After lunch we rode the final 45 miles home on the hiway, as I was pretty sore by then.
It was Saturday and there was going to be a Supercross on TV in a couple of hours. When I got home and hobbled in the garage, Cheryl says I think we should go get X-Rays. I agreed but said I thought my foot was just “sufficiently bruised” and my shoulder was a bit sore so it could wait till after we watched the races. Sounded like a good idea at the time! So we watched the races and by the end of the evening I had gotten a little bit stiff. So I thought why not wait until Sunday morning and go for X-Rays! It won’t be any more broke tomorrow than it is right now, right? My idea was that no one would be in the ER on Sunday morning so it should go much easier, sounds logical right?
Sunday morning off to the ER and X-Rays. The foot was a no brainer, even I could see the broken bone with the separation, so much for my sufficiently bruised theory. But the shoulder would require a CT scan to see more detail of what appeared to be a break at the end of the shoulder. With referrals in hand I get the required pics and the bad news that the shoulder should have a few screws put in to insure proper healing. I told the doc lets “Git ‘er Done!”. I got riding to do and this is slowing me down. Doc is not a fan of motorcycles by the way. But he was a good sport and said he would do the surgery as soon as possible.
Fast forward about almost 10 weeks and I get out of a sling and start rehab on the shoulder. This was maybe the longest 10 weeks of my life because my right foot and my right shoulder were incapacitated. That made me unable to go for walks, shoot, bicycle, wrench in the garage or pretty much anything that required standing or using 2 hands. I watched a lot of tv and way too much news, because now I may have to go on meds for hypertension after watching that much news!
I did spend too much time on the computer which resulted in me spending too much money on toys. Oh, did I mention I have a new 2023 KTM 450 xcfw now? Since I got injured a week before my 65th b-day I am calling this my MEDI-Care bike. Obviously geared toward rehabilitation. I have been on the bike several times to work on break-in and setup. Have it almost perfected with SBB suspension and all the necessary aftermarket accessories. As soon as I can find a tank big enough I can take it out on a Real Ride instead of these girly rehab rides.
‘Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. Explore, Dream, Discover.’
Reader Comments (2)
getting hurt as we get older sucks .. I separated my AC joint in 2009 trying to "get in shape" and it has never been the same but I've learned to deal with it, the constant discomfort and the lump on my shoulder it left behind. So glad your feeling better and getting your mobility back my friend.. BTW nice bike, happy birthday to you for sure !! :)
We will do our best to make sure we make up for lost time on the Medi-care scoot! Saddle up and dial it in! Let’s ride!